We’re starting a new feature here at GIRLS CAN! CRATE—-Subscriber Spotlight!
We love, and I mean LOVE, “meeting” our subscribers through photos, comments, stories, emails, and videos. To see a girl or boy interacting with their crate or mini-mailer is an honor and a privilege that we don’t take lightly. And we want to honor those experiences and those kiddos! Each month we’ll reach out to subscribers randomly with a few questions that we’ll share with all of you! So without further adieu, GIRLS CAN! community, meet Olivia!
Olivia is a 7-year-old from Texas who is into arts and crafts. She loves to play outside with her dogs, dance, and listen to music. She’s also all about game nights with family because well, family game nights are awesome!
GIRLS CAN! CRATE: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Olivia: A dog trainer or a teacher.
GC!C: What are some of your favorite things to learn about?
O: Science and math.
Olivia created this sash using her GIRLS CAN! Fearless Women buttons! We love her creativity!!
GC!C: Finish this sentence: I am awesome because….
O: I am brave and confident and strong and smart and pretty. And I can be anything I want to be.
GC!C: From your crates, who has inspired you the most and why?
O: Malala Yousafzai, because she stood up to the Taliban even though they scared her and tried to hurt her. But she had to because girls needed her to stand up for them because what the Taliban were doing wasn’t right.
GC!C: What has been your favorite activity and why?
O: The dig site from Bertha Parker Pallan, because it was fun to dig and find treasures like gold and money.
GC!C: Besides Malala, who else inspires you?
O: My Mom, my Nana and my pre-k teachers Ms. Hali and Ms. Daisy. And my Daddy. He’s in the Army and he’s oversea's in South Korea for 9 months.
GC!C: If you could meet anyone from now or history, who would you want to meet?
O: Malala Yousafzai or Mal from Descendants.
GC!C: Finish this sentence: Girls can…
O: Be anything they want to be!
GC!C: Is there anything else you want us to know about you!?
O: I’m funny and like to make people laugh, I’m smart and love pugs and I love my family even my big brother when he teases me.
Thank you, Olivia, for sharing all about you! We agree, Malala is so inspirational. We love that you want to be a teacher….maybe one day you’ll teach your students about women like Malala or Bertha or Marie Curie!
Do you want to be featured in our next Subscriber Spotlight? Then, share your photos or videos with us on Facebook or Instagram at girlscancrate!