Meet the mighty ninja, Maddy!


During our birthday in October, we asked subscribers to share what they would name their own crate and why. One of the kids who entered inspired us because she is a real life ninja! Maddy practices the same kinds of skills and overcoming obstacles you might see on American Ninja Warrior! How cool is that! Meet Maddy, a 9-year-old with big dreams!

GIRLS CAN! CRATE: How old are you?
Maddy: 9

GC!C: What kinds of things do you like to do?
M: Ninja, going to the playground and riding my scooter.

GC!C: What do you want to be when you grow up?
M: School Counselor. My mama told me I was going to be in a healing profession.

GC!C: Tell us about your ninja: how did you get started?
M: My mom said lets watch this show American Ninja Warrior.  I saw that Allyssa Beird who was a teacher at my school when I lived in MA was on the show.  She inspired me and on my last day of school before we moved, I got my picture taken with her in my classroom.  I wish I would have been able to have her as my teacher when I got into 5th grade but we live in PA now.

GC!C: Why do you want to be a ninja?
M: Because I love it.  I love challenging myself to complete the obstacles.

GC!C: Where do you hope Ninja will take you in the future?
M: I would like to be a coach to others one day but I really want to get on the Kids ninja. I would love to qualify and go to Vegas.


GC!C: What is the most important thing you want other kids to know about practicing Ninja?
M: Never give up.  It can be hard sometimes and you get blisters on your hands but if you keep practicing you can compete and make Worlds. I will be attending World’s the weekend of Feb 21st-23rd in Greensboro, NC. I cannot wait because I will get to meet a lot of professional Ninja’s that weekend that I watch on TV

GC!C: This month, we celebrated Althea Gibson, an athlete who had to fight for everything she achieved. What does it mean, to you, to be a fighter?
M: To be a fighter is to follow your heart and never give up on what you believe in.

GC!C: From your crates, who has inspired you the most?
M: Marie Curie


GC!C: Why did Marie Curie inspire you?
M: She did things that women in her time were not allowed and she never gave up on her dream to make a difference in the world by helping with technology and x-rays.

GC!C: What has been your favorite activity and why?
M: My sister Lily (7) and I really liked the string and salt to make ice. I was not able to do it but I kept trying it was fun.

GC!C: Who else inspires you?
M: Allyssa Beird and Jesse Labreck AKA FlexLabreck

GC!C: f you could meet anyone from now or history, who would you want to meet?
M: Rosa Parks and Clotee (Henley) she was a young slave girl who taught herself secretly how to read and write. My mama thinks her real name was Shadia Simmons I only know her as Clotee.


GC!C: What are some of your favorite things to learn about in school?
M: Math and Grammar. I love to read.

GC!C: Finish this sentence: I am awesome because….
M: I push myself and never give up on my dreams. I am a hard worker

GC!C: Finish this sentence: Girls can…
M: …be anything and do anything!

Thanks, Maddy! We can’t wait for the day when we see you competing on America Ninja Warrior and we say, “Look at MadlilNinja go!”