It started with a dream...

Friends, we gotta get a little personal today! Three years ago, we started GIRLS CAN! CRATE with the mission of introducing girls to fearless female role models to show them how much they were capable of. In the last 6 months, we've been featured as one of the best subscription boxes for kids in:

🎉🎉🎉HuffPost (we almost died!) 
🎉🎉🎉Cool Mom Picks (on their list of best holiday gifts for The Today Show)
🎉🎉🎉Good Housekeeping (right smack between boxes created by Amazon and Target, I can't even!)
🎉🎉🎉Real Simple

We can hardly believe this has all happened. We are so, so grateful to be here.

When we started, we had big dreams, but just $5000 and almost no business experience. The learning curve was STEEP - we worked WAY more hours than we expected, setting up shop in our kitchens and garages, we made lots of mistakes (like the time I sent out a graphic that was seen by 50,000 people with "success" spelled wrong! Oh, the irony! 😂), we watched countless youtube videos on coding your website, spent hours on the phone with super smart people learning about marketing, finances, sourcing materials, and all the things that make a business work. But every time we got scared, or things weren't delivered on time, or something went wrong, we reminded ourselves that "girls can!" and got back to work!

Each month when we see our boxes in the hands of little girls, see them meeting diverse, fearless women that we never learned about at their age, we feel deeply grateful. We are grateful for every single one of you who have subscribed, followed us, shared about us, and supported us. Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting our small business and helping make our dreams a reality.

If there is something you're passionate about, go for it! We know that sounds cliche, and "going for it" is often super, super hard, and there are very REAL obstacles for many people, but you can do it. If you have an idea, or have wanted to try something, get on it, girl. Remember that Georgia O'Keefe said she was absolutely afraid every second of her life and she never let it stop her from doing a single thing she wanted. Remember that Bessie Coleman moved alllll the way to France to learn to fly (and taught herself to speak French) when no one would teach her in the US. Remember that Patsy Mink was rejected from over 20 medical schools because of her gender, and so wrote Title IX, banning gender discrimination in education. Girls can!