Summer is upon us, and we know how much FUN you have planned. Those sweet days of summer where you’re so busy and you have so much fun with the kiddos. You’re never going to run out of things to do…
Because you have your GIRLS CAN! CRATE!
For those rainy days, road trips, camping adventures, and trying to minimize screen time, we've got you covered! Keep reading to hear about some creative ways our loved subscribers have used their crates!
1)Take it camping! You’ve been swimming, berry picking, and now you’re looking for something to do before it’s time to roast marshmallows. Do an activity! Two fearless girls took their crate camping and did the stargazing activity in the Ambitious Astronomer crate. What could be better than gazing at the stars next to a campfire?
2)Take it in the car! Bust out that 20-page activity book to keep kids, engaged, screen-free and from asking, “Are we there yet?”
3)Take it to the lake! This summer we’ve got some fun outdoor-themed crates on the docket; perfect to complete in outdoor settings!
Rainy days can still be exciting with GIRLS CAN! CRATE activities.
4)Take it to your cousin's or friend's house! They’ll love trying something new, and let's face it, the more the merrier!
5) Crack it open for family fun time. One blogger said she got to spend quality time with their child doing GIRLS CAN! CRATE. Inspiration and quality time? Win win.
6) Rainy day? The sun can still shine indoors! Crack open that crate and feel the inspiration!
7) Live in the Southwest? We're there with you and we know it’s just TOO HOT to be outside. Stay “cool” learning about cool women.
8) Who doesn’t love a good surprise? This summer is the summer of surprises with a surprise crate coming your way in July! These will be our subscribers most beloved crates and you WON’T want to miss it!
So, there you have it! What are some ways you're looking forward to using your subscription this summer? Let us know!
GIRLS CAN! CRATE, with it’s 20 page activity book, 2-3 hands on S.T.E.A.M activities, creative play props and suggestions to keep the learning going all month long, has everything you need for hours of fun so take it with you whereever your adventures take you this summer!