March was (and still is for 1.5 days...) Women's History Month. Throughout the month we at GIRLS CAN! CRATE, and other groups--A Mighty Girl, and Women You Should Know to name a few-- posted interesting articles about women from the past and the present who have done or are doing incredible things. Many of these women were ladies that I'd never heard of and I have to say, there are are some kick butt women out there! It was such fun reading up on women who've contributed mightily to our world. And this got me thinking: who in my life inspires me? Hmmmm....deep in thought.
I have to say, as cliched as it may be, that the first woman to come to mind is my mom. I am beyond blessed to have her in my life as my mother because she has always been a source of encouragement, love, support, and wisdom. But even beyond those "typical" mom attributes, my mom is a woman of great courage, strength, and perseverance. She is a miracle.
About 6 years ago she went through a very dark season of life. It was a season in which the mom I knew and loved "disappeared." In her place was someone unrecognizable. No longer was the woman I relied on available to me. For myself and my family, those 2 years while she was in the "pit" were incredibly painful and difficult. None of us, my mom included, understood what was going on. See, I'm a big believer in the idea that we don't go through things here on earth in vain. There is purpose behind life's triumphs and difficulties. I saw this principle come to life when my mom was restored to us. As she "came back" to us, she was stronger, more open, more real, and just....more. I can't explain it. Today, she uses where she was to help others. While she was once in a prison in her own mind, she ministers to men who are incarcerated through our church. She goes into the federal prison and mentors a group of men every week. Who does that?! The idea of prison scares me tremendously, but she knows what it is to have been locked up. No, she wasn't incarcerated, but she was in a prison-like state...locked up somewhere behind a fog that she couldn't get beyond. Her experience means that she can relate to those who are behind physical bars. She can speak into their lives and they listen! Men who are in prison for life for major crimes listen to my mom because her heart is softened towards them following her experience. And for that my mom is my hero. She personifies a life well-lived, a life of purpose.
What woman or women in your life inspires you? Have you learned about a lady from history this month that has encouraged you? We want to hear all about it! Comment here or head over to our Facebook page and tell us. If that lady is someone in your life, tag them. Let's continue to celebrate amazing women who have made our world a better place!